SUM-LOT Tourney #3 Tournament Report 6/8/22- 1st Place

(The following writeup is for the Sun & Moon - Lost Thunder format tournament held in the Old Format Pokemon TCG Discord server held in June 2022) My friends and I have always played the tcg on and off, with most of our experience being in the Sun & Moon era, and the announcement of the Sun & Moon - Lost Thunder side tourney at NAIC this year sparked our interest in building decks again. We aren’t able to travel to the actual tournament, sadly, so we played in one of James’ SUM-LOT tourneys instead. This era of the tcg (Fall 2018) was right around the time we stopped keeping up with the game competitively, so things were pretty familiar to us. Me and my friend Kyle both played Blacephalon and my friend John played VikaRay. I chose Blacephalon because of its well rounded matchup spread and consistency, helmed by numerous search cards and strong draw support. Oh yeah and it can go absolutely DIESEL with Beast Ring online. I felt my list could’ve been honed better but was stil...