SUM-LOT Tourney #4 Tournament Report - 3rd Place

After having a successful run in the last SUM-LOT tourney with Blacephalon, I decided to use my pet deck for this tournament: Quagsire DRM/Naganadel LOT, or QuagNag. Although it wasn’t on many peoples’ radar until the tag team sets, I believe QuagNag is underrated in this format for several reasons. For one, it’s basically stall-proof. Stranding an undesirable Pokemon active and energy denial strategies won’t work as any pokemon in the deck can be an attacker thanks to the killer combo of Charging Up and Wash Out. The lack of reliable ability lock in the format is also a boon to QuagNag. Secondly, the deck has a wide variety of attackers that can vary in effectiveness depending on the situation. Naganadel can hit psychic-weak Pokemon and swing big with Turning Point, Lugia-GX can OHKO Tapu Lele-GX and even send Pokemon to the Lost Zone, and of course Quagsire has an unlimited damage ceiling. The deck isn’t without its weaknesses, however, as...