Toronto Regionals 2022 - 246th Place

Went 5-3-1 at Toronto Regionals with Regis, p lacing 246th/1058 . This was my first in-person regional event, so I was nervous about playing on such a big stage. Here's how my matches went: R1: Lugia LWL R2: Mewtwo V-Union LL R3: Sablezard Lost Box WW R4: Blissey WW R5: Mew WLW R6: Lugia WW R7: Regis LWT R8: Lugia LL R9: Regis WW Overall I'd say the list performed pretty well, and there weren't any wasted spots. 3 Ordinary Rod and 3 Scoop Up Net really stretches the deck thin but it's workable with proper resource management. I don't think only having 3 Rod was a direct contributor to any of my losses. Some more info on those losses: Round 1 vs Lugia I had a pretty decent game 1 but dead drew the last few turns as his AR Yveltal swept my board. Game 2 I locked down an early Path with a solid setup and he scooped. Game 3 was very back and forth and it eventually came down to my last few cards in deck. I needed to draw into a Rod to get a Regi back to stay in the pr...