Fort Wayne Regionals 2023 - 89th Place

Went 8-5-2 at Fort Wayne Regionals placing 89th/1153, putting me at 70/350 CP. Since Toronto I dabbled with some other decks, namely Frosmoth Box and Palkia/Inteleon, but after middling results and a lack of experience with the decks to play them at a top level I went back to my old favorite, Regis. Goodra, Weezing, Eiscue, Flying Pikachu, and others have really made playing this deck a pain sometimes, but I love it too much to drop it. After a lot of matchup preparation for this event, I was reasonably confident going in and was confident my (Rahul Reddy's) list could handle any situation. Here's the game results: R1: Rotom VSTAR WW R2: Arceus/Duraludon LL R3: Palkia/Inteleon WW R4: LZ Goodra WW R5: Lugia WW R6: Lugia LWT R7: Lugia WW R8: Arceus/Duraludon LWW R9: Mew LWL R10: Lugia WW R11: Arceus/Flying Pikachu/Tapu Koko LL R12: Arceus/Duraludon LWT R13: Eldegoss Control WW R14: Arceus/Duraludon LL R15: Lunatone/Solrock LL Rahul really cracked the code for this deck. All the...